Content Marketing
The Team At SMG Will Create Content That Will Help Your Business Stand Apart
At Sundown Marketing Group we recognize the importance of quality content and invest a great deal of time and effort to provide our clients with content that will drive traffic to their site and convert those website visitors into customers. Our copywriters author custom content across many different areas of business and content types. Below are just a few examples of our content:
Our Content Team crafts custom content for your blog page. We will work with your staff to create a content calendar, so we can strategically plan your content distribution for the coming year.
Our content team will create robust, practice area specific content for your website. These articles are a cross between a blog and a product/service specialty page. The goal of a resource article is to convey subject matter expertise.
Our content team will transcribe website video content. Video transcriptions are valuable because they help create SEO value for the videos hosted on your website, as well as improving video user experience.
We will draft White Paper content about any topic. A white paper is a specific and technical review of a complicated topic.
Our content team will draft press releases for your firm. A press release typically focuses on current events surrounding your firm (i.e. A new member joins the company, a new product launch or an attorney wins a big case).
As your website and Firm evolves, our Content Team will create practice area pages. We will create custom content pages to describe a new product or specialty or a sub-specialty area.
Staff biographies tell a story. They tell a story about you and why a potential customer should hire or do business with you. Our Content Team will work with you to craft the perfect biography for your website.
A newsletter is a great way to stay in touch with current and former customers. It is also a very useful way to distribute content to those who otherwise may not have a chance to read it. Our Content Team will design a newsletter format and author the content for the newsletter.
Content marketing is an extremely important component of a successful internet marketing program. Search engines (a.k.a. Google) have made it clear that providing good, quality, relevant content to website searchers is key to quality rankings. Providing answers to questions or information that fills in the blanks for prospective customers that visit your website is fundamental to a successful internet marketing program.
Adding content without a plan can do more harm than good though. A disorganized assortment of content does nothing to convince Google that you are a “subject matter expert”. It is important that content be added strategically and that the makeup of content be part of a well thought out plan. We work with our clients to develop a intelligent strategy to to ensure quality content that’s timely, compelling and relevant. It is important to create a balance between professional tone and approachable content. Business content needs to be about thought leadership and not advertising. A smart content strategy is an absolute must for reaching new prospective customers and and converting them to customers.
The content we draft for our clients is:
The Content Team at Sundown Marketing Group will work with you and your staff to determine the best content strategy. We conduct market intelligence research to understand what topics are most important for your clients. Our team creates content that addresses your clients questions and concerns with action-oriented solutions, directing them with a call to action. Our Content Team works very closely with our SEO Team to draft content that meets their SEO requirements, so your website will rank well and convert website visitors to clients.
The goal at Sundown Marketing Group is to provide copy that differentiates your law firm and forges deep connections with your prospective clients.